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GSA Golf develop and manufacture the world's most affordable, yet most advanced and comprehensive

hi-speed camera golf simulator tracking systems on the market today

Technical News

VisTrak Product Overview

System Updates & Development News

GSA Golf daily updates and news

Hi! I'm Martin Paul Gardiner

Electronics and software development engineer and founder of GSA Golf

Regularly check out my tech news page for all our latest developments and free updates

GSA Golf tech news is updated almost daily!

so make sure to check in for all the latest updates and news regularly

If you have any questions

please feel free to contact me personally anytime from M to F - 12noon to 3pm US ET via e-mail at

Please Note: We're closed on weekends and all US national holidays

If you are contacting us on the weekends or on national holidays,

then we'll make best effort to get back to you within 24 hours of the next working day.

Did you get a response to your e-mail?

We get really busy at times and e-mail responses can be late or even forgotten at times.

Please remind us again if you didn't get a response to your e-mail.


GSA Golf Control Panel (CP) Updates

CP 64 update

February 16 12:45 pm

Click the above button to download the latest CP 64 update.

This is a fast download and installation,

suitable for most users that have done updates and initial installations within the last year or so.

Click the above button to install the new 64 bit version of the CP

that runs 5 times faster than the older 32 bit version

Don't forget to run the download after it's downloaded!

A number of customers don't realize that a CP update is a dual process

i.e first download and then run the download

Note: updates are only for previous full installations.

You cannot run updated without having first installed the full base version

if you are a new user:

Click the large red button below to install the full version first if you are a new user.

Only download and run the update after downloading and installing the full version if you are a new user

How to install the CP (Control Panel) full version and updates

Try it before you buy it

GSA Golf Control Panel Full version download

The full version VisTrak software can be used to evaluate the system with real time image processing

from sample shot videos sent to us frome customers.

Download includes sample shot videos of the SCX, EVi and LX2

Technical Support

Compare the VisTrak SCX to its competitors

Click above image to


February 16 12:45 pm

CP 64 update

GSA Golf Shot video files can now be exported to MP4 format files

February 15 3:15 pm

New web page dedicated to hi-speed camera shot capture in progress:

Club and ball post shot hi-speed video playback for

GC3, SkyTrak, MLM2Pro, TrackMan and Mevo etc

If you already have a launch monitor but it doesn't show post shot videos of your club making contact with the ball,

then our hi-speed video capturing systems will add this feature to your existing system.

Click above image to read more about our shot video capture systems

Page will include video export and video editing intsructions

February 13 11:15 am

CP 64 update

Fix:Ball back spin not being calculated correctly with LX1 systems

Coming later:

Ball Side Spin Detection from the LX1, LX2 or EVI side cameras

Usually side spin is measured from the overhead camera but in the case of the LX1, there is no overhead camera

so a method of detecting side spin from a side mounted camera has had to be devised.

Users will also be able to select which camera (Top or Side) will be used to measure ball spin.

In order to detect side spin with a side mounted camera,

we need to determine if the ball's logo or marking is rotating around the center of the ball in both ball spin frames.

If the distance each point of the logo or marking is from the center is the same in both frames, then spin axis is not tilted and thus there is no side spin.

Any deviation will show that the ball's spin axis is tilted and thus there will be side spin present.

February 12 :2:15 pm

CP 64 update

Fix: If - for some reason - the shot wasn't correctly detected, data from the previous shot may be sent to the game software.

A check for this has now been implemented

February 12 8:00 am

CP 64 update

New 1: Update for LX1 users

New 2: Improved club detection with short chips and putts

As part of my new "no matter what, keep the price as low as possible" strategy, I've re-introduced the LX1 Lite

February 10 6:00 pm

Vistrak vs Rapsody

To my amazement, I’ve just learned that Rapsody MLM2 Pro - that all are raving about - can’t even detect putts or small chip and run shots.

This - in my opinion - makes this system essentially useless if it is to be used as a golf sim tracking racking system.

In contrast, my LXC detects all shots including putts and chips with 32 frame video playbacks for the same price


Click above to read more about the new LX C series

February 10 10:00 am

CP 64 update

A number of smaller coding errors detected that could potentially cause a shot mis-read resolved


February 9 6:00 pm

Business news:

Drastic price restructuring measures underway soon at GSA Golf

Due to the enormous competition in the golf simulator launch monitor market at present,

GSA Golf are going to have to adjust all product pricing in order to stay competitive soon.

More details later this week

February 9 4:00 pm

New LX C club tracking launch monitor

Click above image to read more about the new LX C

February 8 2:00pm

CP 64 update

New: More IBS club detection improvements

Fix: Possible sporadic incorrect VLA being calculated

Club detection using IBS

Club detection without the requir

February 8 12:00 pm

New lower cost VisTrak Eagle systems

Note : System can be used with floor mounted launch monitors that don't feature overhead club tracking cameras

(eg SkyTrack, MLMPro2, Mevo, GC3, Trackman etc)

as an add-on camera club tracking system with full post shot club tracking video playback

VisTrak Eagle DIY price $699

Coming later this weekend:

More improvements to the IBS method of club detection.

I'm currently running tests with my library of over 500 shot videos

February 7 11:40am

CP 64 update

New 1:

Club detection using IBS

Club detection without the requirement to apply white strips or other markings to the club

Often times the club face is not clear in the frames when using darker clubs without white strips on them.

The problem is resolved when using Image Background Subtraction (IBS)

There's still some more work to be done on this new feature but should be ready by next week.

How IBS works

IBS uses two images.

1. an image captured of the ball on the mat without a club ( the IBS reference image)

2. an image of the ball on the mat just before the club strikes the ball

After the shot, the two images are subtracted from each other which leaves an impression of just the club.

Assuming that the club image pixels have a different gray scale level than the underlaying mat pixels.

All club detection processes are then performed using this new club impression image instead of the original frame image.


New 2: Improved TM PIX ball spin detection

GSA Golf Objectives for 2025

My objective is to produce a ceiling mounted tracking system that equals the hi-priced systems (i.e. in the $6,000 to $14,000 range)

in features and accuracy for the super affordable price of just $1,699.

My latest ball spin detection feature - and now with the new IBS club detection feature - should put my systems on this path easily.

February 6 2:00pm

VisTrak SCX ball spin detection working best with Taylor Made Pix balls

Current test results show that the VisTrak SCX spin detection works best with the Taylor Made Pix balls

Main reasons are that:

1. In contrast to using the ball logo, no matter what ball in flight frames are used to calculate the spin, there are always 2 frames showing the Pix images

2. In contrast to launch monitor proprietary balls with spin dots on them (QED or Rapsodo etc) , TaylorMade Pix balls are readily available in any golf store for a regular ball price

February 5 1:00pm

CP 64 update

First Beta Test release of the new ball image comparison method of detecting ball spin

February 3 9:36 am

CP 64 update

More updates on the testing of the new ball image comparison method of detecting ball spin

Detecting spin from any random mark on ball

Detecting spin from ball logo

Detecting spin from Taylor Made Pix balls

February 1 11:36 am

CP 64 update

Fix : Occasional reflections on woods being detected as a ball.

Ball spin detection using ball image comparison development

Click above image to read more about this new development

January 31 12:36 pm

CP 64 update

Fix : Occasional incorrect (too fast) ball speed reading when making chips and half shots with SCX systems

Fix : Occasional incorrect ball path reading with EVi systems

Many thanks

Many thanks to all my customers and readers who report issues and offer suggestions on how to improve the systems.

I can test my systems all day here without issues but there's always sporadic issues that can turn up that are very difficult to detect.

In particular I'd like to thank Phil (UK), Charles (Canada), Miyagi san (Japan), Frank ( Taiwan) and a host of others here in the US and around the world.

Coming next week

Status report of the new ability to detect ball spin using any or no marks on the ball.

January 29 8:36 am

CP 64 update

New 1: EVi side mounted Vcam - ability to detect ball when ball is only illuminated from above

New 2: when both the club and spin markings on the ball are not detected, back and side spin will be calculated from ball VLA, HLA and Speed .

Fix : Occasional incorrect ball speed reading (too fast) when making chips and half shots with EVi systems


January 24 1:20 pm

New ball spin detection method coming soon

Measuring Ball Spin from an overhead ceiling mounted camera

using image pixel shift and rotation matching methods

This method consists of taking an array of pixel levels of the ball image in 2 adjacent frames

and obtaining a match with a series of pixel shifting and rotation procedures.

Using this method, rotation (and thus back and side spin) can be detected even with just a smudge mark on the ball.

i.e. this method is not looking for any specific dots or markings on the ball

so any ball can be used as long as there's something on the ball that is not pure white.

January 21 3:00pm

CP 64 update

New 1: New settings in Setup Panel

1. Allow user speed adjustments.

Usually OFF.

2. Game Status Update ON/OFF

Usually ON but can be switched OFF if the 3 second update is causing issues.

Note that if OFF, then the CP will only show a 7 iron as the selected club in the game software.

As the CP doesn't require to know what club is selected in the game software, the CP's club selection can be ignored

New 2: More improved method of measuring side spin with SCX systems using spin dot balls

New 3: New customer camera registrations

December 20 9:30 am

CP 64 update

New 1: Changes required for the new GSA CP API

New API test console application

December 17 12:00 pm

CP 64 update


For those that are developing their own systems, you can now access the CP's shot data in real-time using the CP API.

Instructions are in the source code file.




Click above for all your accessory requirements

Similar product market overview


Based in Naples, Florida,

all GSA Golf products are meticulously assembled and tested by hand to meet the highest industry standards

GSA Golf golf simulator components and kits

CX and Vistrak system components can be used to build the complete GSA Golf golf simulator camera tracking system

at a far lower price than the ready made system prices

Click above to read more about GSA Golf components and kits

The GSA Golf camera tracking software is available to

all OEM golf simulator manufacturers

and/or DIY enthusiasts for just

$ 299.00

Just purchase your own cameras and lighting

Click above image to read more

GSA Golf Investment and Reseller Opportunities

Recent customer comments

Hi Martin, I just wanted to drop you a note to say how amazing the new VisTrak camera is.

I am still playing around with the settings and learning but the video capture and being able to see the frame by frame impact is awesome!

I also really like the way you show the ball ready/playback buttons as an overlay on the TGC.

The best part of my day is going to the tech page and seeing your latest updates - keep up the good work!

Richard L. Illinois 12/17/2020

Hi Martin- I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your efforts.

I could have bought any of the expensive and well-known golf simulators, but I’m glad I ultimately took the chance and bought your products.

It wasn’t an easy decision, as it takes a leap of faith to take the road less traveled, but it has made all the difference.

I love that your products are not perfect (no one's are) but that you strive for perfection while pushing innovation.

You’re clearly never satisfied. As soon as you develop a new software feature, or build a new camera system, you're immediately back at it working on the next iteration.

You’re a true inventor and engineer. Almost every day I download the latest beta and see how it enhances the simulation.

It's like Christmas morning everyday.

Sometimes there’s a marked improvement. Sometimes the new feature “breaks” something else.

But over days and weeks, I feel how the collective innovations are improving the overall experience.

Your products aren’t for everyone but they are a clear alternative to the high-margin corporate products that have an arm's length association with their user base.

Buying a GSA product is buying into you and becoming part of your user community.

You listen, you care, and you explore. I know many of us appreciate it but perhaps not enough of us say thanks.

Martin, thank you for an enjoyable and rewarding journey with your products in 2020.

You’ve made a COVID 19 year more endurable.

Eric P. Burien, WA 12/25/2020

Matt P. 1/15/2021

Hello Martin, I have had 2 weeks of excellent play and stability in Eagle Mode! This has been very enjoyable! Matt T.

Matt T. 1/14/2021

Hi Martin, I see your daily updates on the Tech News page and I just want to say thank you for all your hard work and dedication.

Your passion for golf and engineering clearly shows and thank you!

Mike B. 05/03/2021

Thanks Martin……..

I appreciate the excellent customer service and fair pricing! And the very informative website!

Have a great day!


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Technical Support


Martin Gardiner

Founder of GSA Golf

These days, when I'm not developing golf simulators, you'll find me in my keyboard music studio

Hi! I'm Martin Paul Gardiner

Electronics and software development engineer and founder of GSA Golf

Regularly check out my tech news page for all our latest developments and free updates

if you have any questions

please feel free to contact me personally anytime from M to F 10am to 3pm US ET

Currently looking into integrating AI technology into GSA Golf tracking systems

Contact us

Business opportunities with GSA Golf

Enjoy huge earnings and great markups by using our cameras and software

for your system installations or just offering any of our products for direct sale.



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