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VisTrak Installation VisTrak Eagle VisTrak SCX VisTrak EV VisTrak KX VisTrak LX Camera Installation Videos

Launch Monitor

from $1,299

Ceiling mounted to function for both LR and RH players

Please note:

The VisTrak Eagle is a single camera system

and thus cannot detect vertical launch angle of the ball.

Vertical Launch angle is estimated from the loft of the club being used.

You can add a second camera to the VisTrak Eagle at a later if required though.

For example:

an LX1 vertical launch monitor to make up a complete EV system that captures all data

Alternatively, purchase the SCX stereo camera system so that all data is captured.

GSA Golf develop and manufacture the world's most affordable, yet most advanced and comprehensive

hi-speed camera golf simulator tracking systems and golf launch monotors on the market today

Click above image to view YouTube videos

Ceiling mounted hi-speed camera Launch Monitor

No requirement to use club markings or specially marked balls !

Adding the optional extra LED lighting track to the Eagle vastly increases image brightness

which negates the requirement to increase contrast

VisTrak Eagle

1500 fps

ceiling mounted with lighting and software

Price includes 15ft USB 3 cable and 15ft USB3 extension cable for a total length of 30ft

IR LED lighting with high powered 648 IR LEDs

Price includes lens, camera mount, 4 LED track lighting, 2 IR lamp lighting,

full version control panel software for use as a full club and ball tracking system in a golf simulator.

System includes video swing playback camera system for shot analysis.

Golf course game software included

Dual IR LED lights included for monochrome frames

(US sales only - contact us for shipments outside the US)

System includes 2 IR LED lamps and 4 zoom track lights

System also includes Video Swing Capture software

Data captured: ball speed, ball path, club speed, club path, club face angle.

VisTrak Eagle IR

$ 1,999

Data captured: Measured ball spin, Measured ball speed, ball path, club speed, club path, club face angle.

VisTrak Eagle Track kit

System comes complete with 1 ceiling mounted hi-speed camera, 4 track lighting, camera mounts, lenses and 40ft long cables,

plus SCX Control Panel and 18 hole course game software.


Kit includes 4 track lighting - but assembly (easy) is required

Price $999

Usually ships within 24 to 48 hours

Build the Vistrak Eagle yourself

Total DIY price: $690

VisTrak Eagle Track

VisTrak Eagle with LED Track Lighting

Data captured: Calculated ball spin, Measured ball speed, ball path, club speed, club path, club face angle.

VisTrak Eagle with LED track lighting

Hi-speed ceiling mounted camera tracking system

with green light bar system ready indicator

$ 1,299

DIY price

GSA Golf CP camera control and image processing software : $199

Camera : $300 (available on Amazon)

LED 4 x light track : $120 (available on Amazon)

USB3 32 ft powered extension cable $40 (available on Amazon)

Total : $659

Optional Extras

Laser Ball Placement Indicator

Optional extra laser ball placement guide

Laser automatically switches off when ball is located.

Indicates to user that the ball has been detected in the launch zone area on the mat and ready for swing


Hi-end Computar Lenses

Computar lenses produce brighter images allowing the user to

either reduce the exposure time down to 150 micro-seconds and thus eliminate motion blur


reduce the amount of lighting while leaving the exposure time at the standard 300 micro-seconds.

$150 each


Note that all IR light SCX systems come with these lenses now at no extra cost

Functions with TGC, E6, CG3D and GS Pro game software




Click above images to read more ...

VisTrak Eagle

Color camera with LED track lighting

Laser Ball Placement Indicator

Optional extra laser ball placement guide

Laser automatically switches off when ball is located.

Indicates to user that the ball has been detected in the launch zone area on the mat and ready for swing

Direct manufacturer / wholesale price

Price $299

VisTrak Eagle Software

Software only - without cameras, casing and lights

Runs with E6, TGC, GSpro, CG3D and ProX game software.

Camera Control Panel (for up to 2 camers) and 18 hole course game software.

Purchase your own hi-speed 1500 fps cameras and lighting on Amazon

The GSA Golf camera tracking software (i.e. the Control Panel) can be purchased separately for those that are purchasing their own cameras.

All additional products required to build your own high-speed golf simulator camera tracking system are available on Amazon.

Including cameras, cables and lights.

Regular retail price $299

Direct manufacturer / wholesale price

Price $199

Optional Club markings

One or two white strips can be applied to the leading edge of irons and the top edge of woods

in order for the system to detect more precise club face angle, speed and path.

However, the system will also function with regular clubs without these markings.

System is supplied with a set of white strips

Measured Club detection without markings on clubs

Club Detection Setup

Click above to read how the system detects club data with or without reflective stickers

SCX Dynamic ROI (Region of Interest)

The Dynamic ROI feature allows the user to place the ball in a 2ft wide area on the hitting surface

For those that would like to use their own sourced cameras

VisTrak Eagle i / SCX i software

$ 299.00

Click above to watch a selection of setup and intro videos

System functions for both LH and RH players without having to move the unit.

New Ball Spin detection using the ball logo

for overhead SCX and Eagle systems

You can now select the option "Spin line / Logo on ball" to measure ball spin for overhead camera systems (i.e. SCX and Eagle).

As the logo will not always be visible in the frames, the system now automatically scans for 2 adjacent fames showing the ball logo

in all the 16 ball speed frames.

Optional Ball markings

24 Bridgestone spin dot balls

$ 59.98

The Eagle requires that the balls have dot markings on them if ball spin is to be measured and not calculated.

Eagle systems view the ball from above. Rotation and spin axis is calculated by comparing x and y spin dot deviation positions between frames

Video shot replay

The VisTrak Eagle features swing video playback from its overhead hi-speed camera.

Shot video playback is available after every shot.

Each captured shot video is stored in a database that can store up to 500 shot videos.

The new "Mini" shot videos are immediately displayed in the game software after every shot.

The video window can be positioned anywhere in the game software.

Click above images to see a YouTube video of the feature


Game software

GSA Golf 18 hole course game software included free of charge

Optional extra Game software

Game software options




Click above images to read more ...

GSA Golf VisTrak cameras function with all the above golf simulator course software

TGC 150,000 golf game software

TGC full version with over 150,000 courses $999

Single one time payment

Click above images to learn more...

E6 Connect golf game software

Click above image to learn more...

E6 Connect course software package $300 per annum

GS Pro game software

GS Pro $250 per annum

Click above image to learn more...

You can also add a second camera to the VisTrak Eagle

This will bring your system up to VisTrak SCXi, KXi or EVi specs

$ 899.00

Adding the second camera allows you to capture full hi-speed 32 frame shot videos from top and side mounted cameras

VisTrak Eagle Lighting

If you have purchased just the cameras, the following IR lighting is required.

2 to 3 x CM Vision IRS324 850 nm IR Illuminators for the ceiling mounted camera

Available on Amazon for $79 + $20 for 5 amp CM Vision power supply


CMVision IRP24-850nm WideAngle 24pc High Power LED IR Array Illuminator

Available on Amazon for $69 + $20 for 5 amp CM Vision power supply

Alternatively 3 x CM Vision IR 200 - 850nm IR Illuminators

Available on Amazon for $69 with 3 amp CM Vision power supply

Note: these illuminators are - at the time of this writing - currently sold out on Amazon but are still available at CMvisionSecurity .com.

VisTrak Eagle with LED Track Lighting

4 10w narrow beam 15 degree LED lights on a track

LED Lighting Track

Price $199

GSA Golf system minimum PC requirements

Intel i5 or above Processor

Warning! Do not use PC's with AMD processors.

8GB RAM Nvidia 1070 Graphics Card or equivalent

25GB of Hard Drive Space

Windows 10 or 11 (Required)

Internet Connection

(Required if using 3rd party game software such as E6, TGC or GSPro)

2 X USB3 ports (Required)

Note: The cameras are USB3 cameras

and will only run at the correct speed when connected via USB3 cables directly to separate USB3 ports on the PC


If using 2 cameras, do not connect the cameras together with a Hub !

All cameras must be directly connected to separate USB3 ports on the PC

Use only powered USB3 extension cables if the supplied cables are not long enough

Other GSA Golf Vistrak systems

System is fully modular allowing you to add a second camera ($899) to make up an SCX

Technical Support

Email and remote access support is available for all original purchasers of GSA Golf systems.

E-mail support is free of charge for all original purchasers of GSA Golf systems.

Remote access support is available for all purchasers for $75 per session (max 1 hr per session)

Note that your 1 hour session can be divided up to 2 sessions of 30 min or 4 15min sessions

Remote support sessions are available 7 days a week (including weekends i.e. Sat or Sun) at 2pm ET

Remote access support requires that you have "TeamViewer" installed on your PC

Go to www.teamviewer.com to get your free team viewer installed

Buy GSA Golf remote support 1 hr session for

Price: $ 75.00

Warranty and Return Policy

Warranty is 1 year for the cameras

Returns must be made within 30 days and have a 15% to 20% restocking fee

Please read our legal notice via the link below regarding warranty periods and return policy

Note that a 15% to 20% re-stocking fee (depending on condition) will be charged in the event of a return

Customer is required to return the product at own expense. ie, GSA Golf do not send free return labels

Note: this 30 day return policy does not include 3rd party game software such as TGC,

enclosure items such as screens, flooring, drapes, panels etc.

i.e. it is solely for camera tracking systems

Please read our legal notice via the link below regarding warranty periods and return policy

Commercial use of GSA Golf tracking systems

GSA Golf VisTrak tracking systems are solely intended for use for private individuals at home.

As such, GSA Golf is not responsible for any issues that may occur when the products are used in a commercial environment

such as an indoor golf facility

and do not accept any responsibility for loss of business should the products not perform to customer's of a commercial enterprise expectations.

Use of GSA Golf products in a commercial environment is solely at the risk of the purchaser.

While all basic technical support is offered to purchasers of GSA Golf systems used in a commercial enterprise

no additional support is offered unless paid for.

Recommended system for commercial indoor golf facilities

By far the best tracking system for commercial use is the ProTee VX

Click the above image for more info

GSA Golf reseller inquirers welcome

Contact me - Martin - for details

Tel: 239 529 3060